Protocol guides
Protocol: Magnesium Supplementation
Magnesium is part of more than 300 enzymatic reactions (some for energy production and some for sleep) which makes it pretty important to get enough!
Protocol guides
Magnesium is part of more than 300 enzymatic reactions (some for energy production and some for sleep) which makes it pretty important to get enough!
Protocol guides
Reflecting for a moment, do you experience any negative thoughts aimed at your sleep? Or do you lay down to go to bed and feel as if your mind "turns on" ...
HRV4Training helps athletes of all levels—that includes Olympic medalists and you—better balance training and lifestyle stressors to improve performance.
Biological rhythms
Biological rhythms
According to researchers, this song can reduce anxiety by 65% and help you fall asleep. So you might want to add it to your bedtime playlist.
Cognitive performance
When thinking harder doesn't solve a problem, your dreaming mind may dig deep and find a good idea.
Salt is growing as a focus of health and body regulation. But does it have any impact on sleep? Let's find out...
Dr. Sian Allen's mission is to make sports science as accessible to the general public as it is to professional athletes.
As the founder of the Human Behaviour Club (the largest on Clubhouse), Dr. Sohaib dissects how we interact with tech and health based on behavioral economics and cognitive science.
Sleep health
It means putting off sleep for pleasurable activities you can’t squeeze in during your busy day. Does that sound like something you do?
When we start to see the benefits of our changes, our motivation can increase, and changes are easier to make and maintain. However, it is very common for us to hit bumps in the road...
Sleep health
Recent studies have shown that positive words played during sleep can give us deeper & more refreshing sleep. Here we examine those findings and see how we can apply it to our sleep routines.