Protocol guides
Protocol guides
Cognitive performance
5 Ways to Optimize Your Coffee Nap
Drinking coffee before a short nap has been shown to increase energy levels and productivity better than doing either of those things on their own. These 5 tips will help you maximize those benefits.
Protocol guides
Protocol: Consistent Sleep Window
Practicing a consistent "in bed" window is one of the most important behaviors that create better quality sleep. You can calculate your ideal "in-bed" window by...
Cognitive performance
Breathing exercises for sleep, stress and relaxation: The link between deep breathing and the parasympathetic nervous system
From our friends at Othership: a guide to how breathwork can improve your sleep, stress, and recovery, and the science behind how deep breathing influences your autonomic nervous system!
Protocol guides
Protocol: Morning Sunlight
Getting outside in the morning (even if it's cloudy) puts a halt to melatonin production, and boosts serotonin which gives you a boost for your day! Our internal clocks...
Protocol guides
Protocol: Sleep Environment Clean-up
Protocol guides
Protocol: Rebalancing Your Negative Thoughts
Thought rebalancing is another tool that can help you take distressing thoughts and “rebalance them” into more neutral territory.
Protocol guides
Protocol: Daily Wrap Up Exercise
Protocol guides
Protocol: Relaxation Response Meditation
A meditation that achieves a "Relaxation Response" is one that puts the body and nervous system at rest rather than in fight or flight. The Relaxation Response can actually be measured...
Protocol guides
Protocol: Magnesium Supplementation
Magnesium is part of more than 300 enzymatic reactions (some for energy production and some for sleep) which makes it pretty important to get enough!
Protocol guides
Protocol: Worry Time Exercise
Reflecting for a moment, do you experience any negative thoughts aimed at your sleep? Or do you lay down to go to bed and feel as if your mind "turns on" ...
Sleep 101
Protocol: Options to help Fall Asleep (or back asleep)
Having trouble sleeping can mean having trouble falling asleep, trouble staying asleep, or waking up too early in the morning. This means that having tools to use when you are trying to fall asleep (or back asleep) is very important.